Home Care Packages
We all want to stay in our own homes for as long as possible.
Unfortunately, because of the ageing process most of us so at some point will need assistance to continue to do. How much assistance is provided will be determined by an Aged Care Assessment Team (ACAT) report.
Often there is quite a lengthy delay between the approval of a Home Care Assistance package and the allocation of government funding to pay for this. The government has recently made significant funds available to try to reduce waiting lists for packages.
Once a package has been approved there are many providers who will offer their services to you. They do not all charge the same hourly rates and many also charge quite significant fees to manage and administer the package.
We have helped clients gain significantly more care hours out of their packages by advising them on more cost-effective ways of managing the packages. Whether this was by way of switching to a lower charging provider or assisting clients to self-manage the package.
Let us explore the ways that your Home Care Assistance package can work for you.